
DISCLAIMER: The texts listed below are supplementary reading materials for the course. Please note that they are strictly for educational purposes and internal / private use. Any other use (including posting them on other websites, egroups, etc.) can only be with the permission of the respective authors and/or copyright holders

Indian Music: Interplay of Classical and Folk Traditions

The Ramayana: The Journey of a Journey and The Mahabharata: India’s First Anthropology Project

1.  Singh, K. S., & Datta, B. eds.,1993. Rama-katha in Tribal and Folk Traditions of India: Proceedings of a Seminar. Anthropological Survey of India, pp.1-9.

2.  Singh, K. S. ed.,1993. The Mahābhārata in the Tribal and Folk Traditions of India. Indian Institute of Advanced Study and Anthropological Survey of India, pp.vii-xi.

Introduction to Indian Poetics

1. Ganesh, R. 11 September 2017. “Musings on Indian Aesthetics”, Prekṣā: A Journal of Culture and Philosophy.

2. Warder, A. K. 1978. The Science of Criticism in India (Vol. 7). Adyar Library and Research Centre.

3. Hiriyanna, M., & Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts. 1954. Art experience. Kavyalaya Publishers.